In 2023, if you want all of the DLC (up to the Basement and Greenhouse kits), you'll have to spend $1,045.
That's $520 in Expansion Packs, $240 in Game Packs, $180 in Stuff Packs, and $105 in kits.
Keep in mind that, despite the price, every pack varies widely in quality. Packs like Growing Together and Werewolves are significantly better than older packs like Get to Work or Spa Day (even with the refresh it got recently).
I have almost 2,000 hours in this game, but not because of what EA has done for it. Most of the time, the only good things that come with packs are the CAS and Build/Buy items. The gameplay nearly 80% of the time is lifeless and one-dimensional, which is extremely unlike the previous installments. Mods are a saving grace, and I pity console players.
Good things are happening to the base game, such as the Infant Update, more inclusivity (better hair textures, body scars, medical wearables, etc.), however none of that fixes the fact that the base game is a laggy, buggy, BORING mess.

Reviewed on May 27, 2023
