Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

5 days

Last played

May 15, 2022

First played

May 10, 2022

Platforms Played



First Time

May 2022



Finished the game. Wasp boss gave me a little trouble, the robot bullet-hell boss was awful, and the final boss was ok.

Overall, kinda... fine? It has interesting ideas but I don't think it executes them well enough to be anything special.




Today was definitely better, and after some backtracking and exploring for power ups I stumbled upon the hallucination sequence, which was full of kinda annoying enemies but the boss fight was well done.

It felt a bit weird to have to explore and find the upgrade needed to progress (or even backtrack) in a bit of a random out of the way location though, but hey, now I can teleport in any direction which is cool.



Beat a few more bosses and ended up getting the Grappling Hook. Still though, a sense of boredom and frustration is happening upon me. The maps seem large but not especially tightly designed, and the glitch mechanic is interesting, but also a bit style over substance. Still, we'll see if things improve.



Got a few more upgrades, including the one to glitch out things. Already seems interesting, can't wait to see what the game does with the glitch mechanics.



Made a start on this yesterday, very atmospheric and looks a lot better in motion than in screenshots. Kinda weird mix of 8 and 16-bit aesthetics in some ways. It seems a bit alien, which is probably the point.

Didn't get far, just far enough to get Nova and go back to the initial save room.