I have nothing but positive words to say about this game.

It has been a beacon for my healing mental state, every day for months I would feel extreme emotion about going home and being able to take care of my kittens. it was a constant cycle of anxiety whenever I left my house. I didn't want my kittens to think I didn't care for them but they seemed to understand that I needed to work and would wait patiently for me to get back home.

After some time though I couldn't take the anxiety and stress that was leaving my silly little nekos at home. I couldn't go a millisecond of my day without thinking about them. It got to the point where I was hearing their voices behind the counter of GameStop asking me to pet them. I couldn't hear my own thoughts and my ability to communicate with other people began to diminish.

It got to the point where I couldn't even talk to people anymore. The second I stepped out of my home I heard Chocola and Vanilla begging me to come back to them. I couldn't take it. I knew that they were ok with me leaving for work but I wasn't.

So good news!!! I quit!!! My anxiety and stress calmed after I was able to come back to my kittens and stay with them for my entire day. I decided to learn how to code in python, java, and c++ so I could supply for myself and my kittens from home. It was really stressful cramming 3 whole coding languages into my brain before the money my parents left me ran dry but I barely managed to make it finally landing a coding job after running out of money and eating nothing but dry cup noodles since my water was cut.

Life has never been better for me though. Constant feelings of joy while my catgirls are happy. My new job supplies more money than my old one and I just couldn't ask for a better situation. This game has completely revolutionized my life, making me a new person. my love for this game will never hit a limit as it is infinite. My love is ever-expanding like the universe. I genuinely cannot recommend this game more. It picked me up and put, me on my feet. it supported me through not only one mentally ill phase but two. And hey even though the second one was triggered by the game it is self, it was never to hurt me. I've never been healthier and happier. This game has brought me to new highs and even though it brought me close to a low it was only for my own good as afterwords I'm better than ever. please throw your money at this game, you won't regret it.

Reviewed on Aug 29, 2021
