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Agno commented on Agno's review of Crackdown 3
@LarryDavis probably true, haven't played that one since near release.

13 days ago

Agno completed Crackdown 3
Condenses the Crackdown formula to ~8 hours while also having way too many side objectives. I was getting a bit burnt out on it roughly 6 hours in but it turns out in that time I pretty much set up a domino effect to just run to every boss and knock them all down. You level up much faster in this one than the previous games, which would be nice but you also never really seem to be more powerful. The triple jump in this still feels less impactful than the full-agility level jump in the first game. Vibes in this one just aren't as distinct either and it's funny that it just plays the story straight instead of the twist of the first two. Overall pretty okay game, not as bad as its reputation, but could've been much better.

13 days ago

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