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Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX
Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX

Feb 12

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one of the best worst remakes of all time

the devs have almost perfectly recreated the original 1986 master system game, and that is to miracle world dx's downfall; all the problems from that game (which are arguably excusable given the era in which it came out) are still here, such as the terrible controls, cheap level design and enemy placement as well as the stupid rock-paper-scissors bossfights pretty much designed to pad out the runtime

the most offensive issue in this remake, which affects every platform and still hasn't been fixed (nor will it be), is the choppy scrolling; it runs at 50hz when the game itself is 60fps. this turns an already-frustrating game into one that some people won't even play for more than five minutes because of how much of an eyesore it is. throw in some input lag, which will cause you a ton of accidental deaths, and we have this game; a flounder on pretty much everything that isn't graphics and sound

4/10. unless you're a die-hard alex kidd fan or a trophy hunter, don't bother with this one unless you can get it on pc for extremely cheap and run the game at 50fps. no offense to the dev team, but this remake was sadly a waste