Roguelike RPGs are my favorite type of games but I couldn't enjoy this one, it felt like Risk of Rain but worst; Your character is really small and the runs are very repetitive.

To be honest, the game is not bad, I'm looking for excuses because I didn't enjoy it and because I hate games with tiny characters on giant screens and I hate bad pixel graphics. And yes, I think that's bad pixel graphics, I don't mind pixel graphics, I love GOOD pixel graphics, they tried to "innovate" make some some effects look really "creative" but they are not, it looks like some pre-school art proyect on paint gone wrong, and even if there are some small elements that look good it's only because the rest of the background, the character, the walls and all the objects look like crap, you can't even tell them apart. But I hate to bash on a game because I don't like the graphic design, the gameplay is good enough, not really good, not bad, just good.

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2022
