Did not finish. I don't think Metroid is inherently something that can't work in 3D, but this really isn't doing it for me. The FOV is super limited which makes it not very fun to engage with the first person shooter elements, the controls for switching beams (which for some reason you have to do constantly to open doors) is atrocious - especially in combat situations, and the map is far too big to enjoy having to navigate without any sort of fast travel.

Even with the hint system on, I just found myself not enjoying having to get from one area to the next. Combat wasn't really difficult enough to keep me challenged but it also didn't feel good enough to keep me entertained - it was just a chore I had to deal with on my way to the next objective which involves travelling to 3 different elevators.

I'll probably still give the later entries a try at some point, but this just felt like it wasn't working at all for me. The best thing I can say for it is that it nailed the atmosphere, music, and sound. The environments were really well designed and, while I didn't like the overall size of the map, the individual rooms were fun as their own little segments.

Reviewed on Jan 11, 2024
