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Absolutely loved this game, the first in the trilogy. It's such an atmospheric experience; I enjoyed every second of it, except maybe the Bed of Chaos, that "boss" really sucks! Its everything but a test of skill.
The soundtrack is full of bangers. Even the character creation theme goes crazy and gets you in the mood from the start. My favorite track is the Ornstein & Smough theme, which also happens to be my favorite boss fight in the game. The music during this encounter amplifies the intensity and epic scale of the battle, making it an epic fight.

Yes, the game feels a bit rushed in the second half, especially in areas like Lost Izalith, which seemed less polished compared to the earlier parts of the game. However... the DLC really redeems it. The additional content was excellent, with top-notch boss fights that were challenging and well-designed. The Artorias of the Abyss DLC stands out with its deep lore and intense battles against tough opponents like Knight Artorias or Manus, Father of the Abyss.
The graphics may be a bit outdated even for 2011, but the game still features some stunning locations that look beautiful, such as Anor Londo with its majestic, cathedral-like architecture, and Ash Lake with its eerie, otherworldly ambiance. These environments contribute significantly to the game's immersive atmosphere.
Additionally, I loved the story and the lore. The narrative is subtle, requiring players to piece together the plot through item descriptions, environmental storytelling, and character interactions. This method of storytelling makes the game's world feel alive and encourages players to explore and discover its secrets. The lore behind characters like Gwyn, Lord of Cinder, and the tragic tale of Sif, the Great Grey Wolf, adds depth to the experience and makes the journey all the more compelling.

Overall, despite a few flaws, this game remains a masterpiece in its genre. It offers a deeply engaging experience with its challenging gameplay, atmospheric world, and rich storytelling. It's a game that stays with you long after you've put down the controller.