Man o man, this game was absolutely nuts; I haven't had this much fun with a game in a long time.

Metal: Hellsinger is a unique blend of a first-person shooter and a rhythm game, reminiscent of Doom but with a twist that makes it even more badass (don't kill me). Shooting and slashing to the beat never gets old, adding a layer of engagement and excitement that's hard to match. The rhythm-based combat requires you to time your attacks, dodges, and abilities to the beat of the music, creating an immersive and intense experience that keeps you on your toes.
The torments, which are challenging mini-missions, were also really fun and provided a nice break from the main gameplay loop.

We must talk about the soundtrack... what a soundtrack this game has... 🤘 absolutely goated. The game's music features lead singers from renowned metal bands such as Arch Enemy, Jinjer, Lamb of God, Trivium, System of a Down and many others. The soundtrack is full of bangers like "Stygia" , "Burial at Night" , "This Devastation" and "No Tomorrow" which elevate the gameplay experience to another level. If you like metal, this game is for you! The adrenaline-pumping tracks sync perfectly with the gameplay, making every encounter feel epic.

The DLC for Metal: Hellsinger adds even more content and variety to the game. It includes new bangers like "Leviathan", expanding the already impressive soundtrack. The DLC also introduces new challenges and torments, providing more ways to test your skills and keep the gameplay fresh.

I must say, I recommend playing without the accessibility settings. I tried it with them on, but it's not the same experience in my opinion. I had more fun playing the game without them, as it felt more immersive and challenging, staying true to the rhythm-based mechanics that make this game stand out. The unfiltered, raw experience of syncing your actions perfectly with the music is where the game truly shines and is unique.

The wild ride that is Metal: Hellsinger, the unique gameplay, combined with a killer soundtrack featuring top metal artists, makes it an unforgettable experience. Whether you're a fan of metal music or just looking for something different and exciting, this game delivers on all fronts. The DLC content adds even more value, ensuring the game stays fresh and engaging. So grab your headphones, crank up the volume, and dive into this hellish, rhythmic frenzy!

Reviewed on Apr 01, 2024
