This is exactly how you do a Remake!
You keep everything that made the original good and you modernise it in such a way that you don't ruin the atmosphere and general feeling of the first.
I'm glad they did this remake because i never finished the original from 2002.
Given the advancements in gaming technology and storytelling, this remake was certainly overdue and is a welcome return to a story that captivates with its historical context.

As for the gameplay, it maintains its classic narrative, which is as compelling now as it was in the original. The driving mechanics stand out as an interesting feature; they certainly add a unique flavor to the game, although im not sure how great it actually is. It might be because i played on Classic difficulty.
The shooting mechanics didn’t impress me as much, feeling somewhat mediocre. Again, this might be heavily influenced by the Classic difficulty setting, which is intended to provide a more difficult experience.
One of the most impressive achievements of this remake is how it recaptures the ambiance of the 1930s. The setting, the music, the costumes, and the dialogues all combine to create a rich environment that transports players back in time.

Overall, this remake is a prime example of how to rejuvenate a beloved classic without compromising its core elements and it also stands as a testament to how classic games should be revitalized, by making them accessible and enjoyable for a new generation of gamers.

Reviewed on Apr 07, 2024


2 months ago

It's only downside was that dumb race lol

2 months ago

@TheRoadWarrior tbh i thought that race is easy, i've done it on my 4th try on classic diff. I dont get why people say this race is hard, its very scripted. As long as you take the turns good and be among the first 3 you'll win because the first 2 will crazh anyway

1 month ago

Your review definitely got me hyped Zguvat, ESPECIALLY the comment about the improved driving, though @TheRoadWarrior implied that that race is still a pain in the ass? Obviously you disagree based on your comment, but is there any cheese involved with it still?

Is classic difficulty what is recommended, or did you just choose to do it?

1 month ago

@RedBackLoggd Classic diff is not recommended, I played on Classic because I wanted to get the platinum trophy and there was a trophy for finishing the game on Classic Difficulty.
There's no cheese really, its not even a proper race. It's very scripted.
I find it very easy, just learn how to take the turns, and don't rush. At some point the guys in front of you will crash anyway because that's how the game is programmed. Every lap a car crashes in a cinematic way:)))
Just don't rush, and drive carefully.
Sure, I have a lot of experience with racing games as i played almost every NFS out there, but like i said, its not a proper race.

1 month ago

Ah yeah trophy hunting will kill you in the long run. It's why I stopped being a completionist, was making games too unfun.

Copy, thanks man, I'll see how it goes. I managed to beat all those chariot races in AC Origins, so I became a master at turns xD

1 month ago

@RedBackLoggd if you managed to do that in AC Origins, i feel like you'll have no problem with this race;)))

1 month ago
