Game Dev Tycoon is the only game i'ever bought on my phone because you know, if you pirate it you'll have no chance of getting too far into the game. At some point your games will start to get pirated and you'll go bankrupt eventually.
You start from a small garage and you end up growing into a major industry leader. I love the fact that the game begins in the early days of the gaming industry (around the 80s) and progresses through several decades, the furthest I got was to 300 years in the future 😅
The game is very engaging and it gives you freedom, you can create games by selecting various genres, themes, and platforms, and then manage the development process by allocating resources to different aspects such as graphics, sound, gameplay etc.

The game's biggest strength is it's replayability. As you progress, you unlock new technologies, game genres, and research options, allowing for increasingly sophisticated game development. There's also the challenge of staying ahead of industry trends and competitors. It adds a layer of strategic depth that keeps the gameplay interesting over multiple playthroughs.
The biggest flaw of the game is that at some point, you reach endgame and you stop unlocking new gameplay elements. I wish they supported this game for longer and added more depth to it.

All in all, this is a neat and unique idea of a game that gets addictive really quick.
Im sad that i never developed a game that got a pure 11/10 rating:((

Reviewed on May 16, 2024


1 month ago

How accurate is it to the real-life process?

1 month ago

@RedBackLoggd You select the platform/s you want to release the game on, the theme, what kind of feautures it uses etc.
For example: 3d or 2d graphics, day and night cycle, achievements/trophies stuff like that. And also you choose on what departaments of the game you want to focus more, for example on one game you will focus on gameplay and graphics, on another one you will focus on story and dialogue, you can do all sorts of combos. The better reviews you get, the better it sells. Its really an interesting game. I recommend it.

1 month ago

Does it include marketing? You mention staying ahead of industry trends, so I'm curious if advertising decisions are a part of the game.

1 month ago

Yes, you can host your own events or you can be part of G3 (the game's variant of E3).
You can also pay to advertise the game through different types of campaigns.
This way you boost sales and gain fains.

1 month ago

@RedBackLoggd Also at one point you can create your own console. That's also a big part of the marketing, you could make games exclusive to your own console.
Oh and you create your own game engine, every few years you will need to create a new one to include more and more elements and make it better. After some time your fans will request that you give them the older version of the game engine. You can either sell it for money or give it for free to gain more fans.

1 month ago

Interesting, thanks man. I'm not a big tycoon gamer these days, but this sounds pretty interesting as far as giving a somewhat accurate look at how game devs operate.