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Exellock finished Donkey Kong Country
Honestly a really impressive port. Like it's easily the worst official version of DKC1, but for gameboy color, this is pretty much about as good as it could've been

5 hrs ago

Exellock finished 1942
Yeah this kinda sucks, kinda just repeats itself for like an hour until it just "gives up" and ends lol

1 day ago

Exellock finished Ghosts 'n Goblins
This is easily better then the NES version in pretty much every way, buuuuuuuut it's still Ghosts 'n Goblins, so it's still kindaaaaa asssssssss

2 days ago

Exellock finished 19XX: The War Against Destiny
Alright arcade shmup, these sorta games tend to really bland in for me, so I wouldn't be surprised if I end up forgetting everything about this in like a week, but I mean it was fun ig

2 days ago

Exellock finished Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
Yeah I can kinda see why this wasn't exactly everyone's cup of tea, but I mean as a game, this is very much well put together, and it's clear the developers were very passionate about it.
The PS2 games are better, but this is still decent

3 days ago

Exellock finished Raging Loop
I feel like it's pretty easy to rag on Raging Loop, and don't get me wrong there is A LOT to rag on here, in particular the plot is kinda messy, and it has really poor depictions of a lot of subjects, ESPECIALLY when it comes to its main villain. But honestly, I think it also gets a lot of things right that ARE really great, there's a lot of really intriguing mystery, the art style is cool and unique, the music is very memorable, and in particular, most of the cast are really well written! I practically think Haruaki is a really damn good protag.

So yeah I can for sure see why so many hate this one, it doesn't particularly make the best lasting impression, but if you're willing to overlook a lot of the ilk, I think there's still a lot of worthwhile stuff to be had here

5 days ago

5 days ago

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