I played through to the point I was looking up every solution, and decided to hop off this, but I liked it quite a bit as I was playing it. It is a pretty simple “amount of moves” type puzzle game with a minimal golf aesthetic. Mostly doable and it implements difficulty in waves, which I like. I hate puzzle games where it functionally contains a hard wall that takes a lot of effort to get over. This one will throw you curveballs and then soften you up with a few easier ones. Not unchallenging, but merciful. It does heighten overall towards the end but I blame

1. Getting this as part of a bundle for cheap
2. My smooth brain
3. my miles long backlog

For why I didn’t push through and just beat it. But honestly it’s worth it’s full price if you know you like this sorta thing

Reviewed on Oct 18, 2023
