It seemed pretty neat for what I played, some unique little items you collect and single screen mazes and such to explore through, some sort of surreal environments and everything looked nice enough, the music was good, and it gave off a decently eerie-yet-vague vibe that it was going for. However the game did glitch when I opened my inventory and then climbed a ladder, probably too quickly after. Since I hadn't manually saved(even though a small save icon appeared at certain things I had cleared) when I try to continue it drops me back at the start of the game with none of the items(I checked as there is an item you can use to manually put yourself back to it). I was unwilling to do all I had done, even though it was only a short while, but I don't think it overall harms the game's quality, just be sure if you play it you manually save often. This was on the PC version, so YMMV

Reviewed on Dec 27, 2023
