Elixir itself is a very short, sort of awkwardly narrated experience where you touch buttons and move your hands around.

It's INCREDIBLE what they did here on this hardware.

For 300 dollars you can get a headset that tracks successfully 99% of the time, wirelessly play most of the great VR titles out there without additional hardware and can relatively smoothly play wirelessly on all PCVR platforms or for more guaranteed quality, hook it up for an additional 90 dollars. It also integrates now the successes of the Leap Motion and similar devices for no additional cost and without most of its downfalls. Fuck facebook, meta, whatever, but I cannot stress enough if you're remotely interested in VR, this is the headset to go for.

This is the first thing in roughly 6 or 7 years of VR that has brought me to those initial peaks, triggering something in me akin to gender euphoria, but just by overlaying my hands with weird tentacles that move semi believably with my largely precise hand gestures. It's insane how well it works. And it's not even perfect. I imagine with some lightweight haptic VR gloves to add additional tracking capability and presence to the tech, it would be perfect. I hope that by being integrated in the core hardware and oculus being pushed hard that we see a lot of other devs gain access and incorporate it, even if not totally into their own projects. Truly stunning.

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2023
