I felt nothing playing this game. Where do I even begin with it's issues.

For one, it's very lackluster. For a looter shooter, there's barely any variety in the "loot", just a few different weapon types and a couple of legendary guns per type. And the playable characters have only a couple of abilities, with most of them not being interesting at all. Most of your skill tree is just basic upgrades shared across the cast, and the few unique ones you get are extremely simple. It's a Borderlands clone, without any of the things that made Borderlands fun.

Obviously at launch the game was buggy as hell. Glitched missions, glitched achievements, graphical bugs everywhere. I'm sure some of the issues have been addressed by now, but it doesn't save this game from being less than mediocre. Also, trying to traverse the map is so frustrating that you basically need someone to play the character that has movement abilities.

Gameplay is sub-par. Usually Arkane tries to promote stealthy play in their games, and they certainly TRY here, but it doesn't work at all. There's no reason not to just run in and shoot everything. Human enemies are just fodder, and the vampires are annoying nuisances at best. Being able to instantly teleport to a different location makes it so that shooting them is a drag. The first boss fight is extremely annoying, as it just throws hordes of enemies at you, and every subsequent boss is a nothing fight.

This game had potential, but falls flat in practically every way. One day I'll come back to it to get the achievements I'm missing, since for some fucking reason they made the gamerscore values uneven.

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2024
