Dont own a PSP so i played emulated, for a PSP game its really well made and done, aside from the somewhat bad voice acting, this Ace Combat hands down is one of the best ones ive played, next to AC7 and the PS2 Holy Trinity.

Honestly one of my most favorite FPS games, one of the oldest ones ive played, its also just really fun, compared to what its become today.

I wanna suffer too, looks hella fun

It was good, but not really one of the best games i've played.

Hands down one of my favorite games of all time.
You can break physics, it has a good story, and its hella fun.

Dont play vanilla Clear Sky, i recommend you play clear sky vanilla ONCE and only ONCE, after that, immediately get Arsenal Overhaul for it, thank me later, as for the actual game, one of my favorites in the series, well done story, and the same old but always good Stalker gameplay.

Vanilla is trash, play modded.

This game is basically a bed for mods, you can have some of the most immersive and anti-immersive mods at the same time, ultra realistic shaders, upgraded and better guns, anime shid, basically anything, one of the best shooter games out there imo.

It does crash a lot depending on your graphics settings and how many mods you have tho.

Girls Frontline despite being a gacha is pretty good.
Overall good story, well done gameplay, and just fun.

Not full 5 stars because of some of the screaming dolls and the shiddy gacha system.

I like flying bricks and 100mm Autocannons.