Full Metal Daemon Muramasa. This vn is complete trash. Almost fell asleep while reading it. And its crazy because i LOVE, i absolutely love the samurai setting. But this one. This is how you don't do a samurai series. This is just garbage. The characters are boring and have no depth whatsoever. The fights are repetitive and like any chuunige. The dialogue is cheesy and it's been on high for it is for I don't know how long now because even the creator is bored of this garbage. The only reason people hype this trash up so much and think its good is because of the art. If this series did not have the art that it had nobody would care about this series. And if we're being honest, if we're being completely honest and spitting facts as we always do, the art in Muramasa is not even that good, its mediocre at best. I've seen way better visual novels with way better art than Muramasa. This series is just so bad and anyone who likes it is clearly just doing so because it's popular. It's one of those vns that people only like so they can seem like they have great taste. Every vn list, every top ten vns or something, you GOTTA include Muramasa because if you don't include Muramasa its just like "OOH you just don't have good taste for Nanahara kamige." No. It's the opposite. Including Muramasa in one of your top ten or one of your favourite vns proves you're a fraud.

Reviewed on Nov 28, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

read majikoi