i really dunno how to write shit like this so i guess i'll just ramble on lol but i'm genuinely surprised with how much I enjoyed my time with this one it's such a massive MASSIVE upgrade from the prequel in pretty much every single way. i think i clicked with this game's go home club pretty fast each one of them is full of life and personality which made going through their character episodes and seeing their regrets/trauma hit a lot harder, also a lot of their interactions are funny as fuck especially the ones involving kobato. the combat feels pretty much same except for one or two new features which were fun as hell to use (x jack is way too broken as shit lmaoooooooo). if there is any major gripe i still have with the combat this time is that fights feel like they take soooo long most encounters where you're maybe fighting a meager two enemies at once taking around ten minutes at times, it was probably (very obviously) because i didn't realize the game had stigmas again until the last dungeon or two but yeah. other than that i actually enjoyed it this time but i honestly don't know if it was hard psyop like i usually do to myself lol. i had a lot of fun going through the dungeons a lot more this time around though, sure they still have budget written all over them but actually being able to interact with enviroments and not feel like walking i'm walking in a boring, long maze throughout made it a whole lot more enjoyable, with some dungeons kinda reminding me of early cold steel games in a way. i really liked the story i feel like there's really not much i can probably say without going into spoiler terrority of course lol
anyways i need marie amabuki so bad .

Reviewed on Jun 11, 2022
