definitely overhated by the community. its not perfect, i recognise that and its far from it. only played this version, never touched the original, but i heard this one had worse enemy placements and ganks, which i confirm. they are bad but although stupid and infuriating, you can still give it a laugh

dont take the game seriously and you will see how much better it gets. bought this while having the mentality of "worst dark souls and fromsoft game" and let me say, i was never before been proven so wrong. objectively, yeah, its probably the worst one, but ended up kinda developing feelings for this game and i cant even explain it to you. you know its bad and unfair but somehow you still manage to keep playing and surpass that crazy amount of bullshit that the game spits in your face.

call me crazy, but subjectively i have this game over ds1 and nothing will change that. the free DLCS def improve the game.

stupid final bosses tho, legit TERRIBLE final bosses in all FROMSOFT games. but as i said, dlcs made it up for me

by far the game that made me rage the most and i loved it... (i might be masochist). DS2 ASSEMBLES !

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2024
