Monster Hunter Rise finally comes to the PC and after 80 hours, I can say that it's just what I would want out of a MH game. I'm relatively new to the series having only started playing MH games with Monster Hunter World. I had interest in the games before that, but never ended up buying them on console. Overall it's been a really fun journey. I'm not a master of the game by any means and despite my hours, I would say I would still land in the casual section. I mostly follow build guides for whatever weapon I chose. Starting with Charge Blade and now mostly playing Bow.

Even though every game adds something new to the series, you can tell the developer really has the formula down when it comes to the mechanics. Monster fights are fun, if not frustrating at times. It's a game where I can be really determined to beat a certain monster or one where a few bad defeats can make me close the game early for the day. Of course all of this is made better with friends and going on hunts with those friends is a treat.

It's easier than ever to get in a game with friends. Especially compared to World, which had some weird gating mechanics you would have to clear before your friends could join you. Those were only really apparent going through the story mode with the end game being more open to getting friends involved. This has all changed in Rise. While the server size is now limited to 4 players (down from 16), it does let everyone go about their own business and join up at any moment so there is never really any down time if you don't want it.

The PC port is pretty solid and honestly, the game looked better than I thought it would. The HD textures definitely help, but I was still a little surprised. The controls on KB&M are still a little weird and required some tweaking, it's still an improvement over World.

While there is still more grinding to do and I'll probably play a couple of more times, I plan to shelve it for now after investing heavily in a short amount of time and wait for the expansion that arrives this summer.

A solid MH game and a great addition to MH on PC.

Reviewed on Jan 27, 2022
