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1 day

Last played

July 12, 2023

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Good for a few hours, but quickly gets repetitive. Not enough depth and variety.

A lot of weird hate for Enter the Gungeon in the reviews, but Gungeon is a superior game in every way, even though obviously inspired by Nuclear Throne. Gungeon simply offers so much more variety for every playthrough - of items, characters, situations to solve, secrets, unlockables etc.

At its core Nuclear Throne has a solid fast-paced action loop. But it quickly gets boring, because every run is samey, the only thing you unlock (at least in the first ~5 hours that i played) is new characters.

There's a lack of variety in items and upgrades. Most guns within a bullet type largely do the same thing, and there's a lot of crossover between the types, too (energy and bolts pretty much do the same thing, as well as shotguns and explosives). Mutations are either highly situational or do the same boring utility thing (there's at least 3 different flavors for "get more bullets"). Compare that to Gungeon or Isaac where every pickup drastically alters your playthrough.

The characters are fun, but all the 5 additional ones that I unlocked seemed to be gimmick characters designed for runs with added challenge (one has 2 HP, for example). The basic two characters are the only two (that I've seen) that have any defensive capabilities, and that makes them far more useful.