One of the best, most unhinged b-movie kind of games I've ever played: it's absolutely not a coinsidence that it is set mostly in Italy, the Italian cinematic exploitation masters would be so proud.

Game-wise It takes all the good shit from the Sniper Elite series (the dynamic marksmanship, the slo-mo kills, the WWII setting, the tactical set-ups for that good good murder), ditches all the boring stuff (samey levels, way too much time spent solving stealth situations), and just all-around ramps up the fun factor. Similairly to Sniper Elite it's a bit too long and repetetive, but unlike Sniper Elite there's a clear sense of constant escalation of both difficulty and just the sheer scale and ridicilousness of everything that is going on.

Aesthetics-wise you get all of the nazi- and zombiesploitation goodies you can ask for. Wanna shoot a zombie SS commander in the gonads in goregous slo-mo? You got it. Wanna lure a crowd of zombies into zombie shark's mouth? Fucking go for it. Zombie tanks? Yeah, we got those. Demon Hitler riding a giant zombie tank fortress? Yep, that too. The design on all of the zombies is top-notch, there are neat easter eggs for various horror classics strewn about, and in general it feels like the game has been made with a big love for classic exploitation cinema in mind. Which alone would be enough to sell this game to me, but it also doesn't hurt that it's just a big cheesy hunk of ridiclous trashy fun.

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2023
