[Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle]
Can't say I'd seen or heard much of this title before. I played through as the Elf character, which was slightly different as he has a bow and arrow rather than melee attacks. Gameplay was solid and it didn't seem as difficult as Final Fight, but the whole thing dragged on a bit too long. I think there were 15 stages, which was about 5 too many, especially as some of the bosses made an appearance twice. Good selection of classic monsters to battle, although sprites were not as big as Final Fight, which is a shame as this came out two years later. Music was bland. Will probably play again with one of the other character types.

I did play through again, switching between the four character types that I didn't use on my first run. It's a solid beat 'em up. Good to zone out and button mash to!

Reviewed on Dec 04, 2022
