A huge improvement over BotW!

It still has the things that annoyed me about that game (see that review) but as I was expecting them this time, the frustration was lessened.

The world feels a thousand times more alive. There's so much more to see and do. Plus the added levels of the Sky Islands and The Depths offer different types of exploration and almost changes the game entirely depending which one you are tackling.

I did find there was a lack of signposting making it difficult to locate where to trigger certain questline (such as how to navigate the depths) but once you realise you have to return to places you've already visited to find more missions it all clicks into place.

The story is a refreshing change of pace for Zelda games too. I often find them too similar and it's only the mechanics the differ from game to game. This however felt like a proper sequel to BotW without replaying the formula too much.

Despite a couple of flaws here and there, I had an absolute blast playing this game so it gets the full five.

Reviewed on Sep 05, 2023
