This was my first time playing this game since it came out on PS2 back in 2004. I'm quite nostalgic and usually when I revisit games from my past I have a great time and can overlook any flaws they may have. Unfortunately it wasn't the case here.

Firstly, it's just way too buggy. This whole Definitive Trilogy is infamous for their bugs and problems but having played through the other two, most of the issues seem to be resolved with them. I can deal with textures taking a while to load and similar graphical or performance issues, but for San Andreas I experienced cars spawning from the sky, random piles of bodies during missions and getting stuck in death loops where it was impossible to continue without manually loading an old save.

I won't touch on it too much but there's some content in the game that has aged really poorly too. That's also true of GTAIII and VC but it seemed way more gratuitous here.

Enough negatives though. The game still has fantastic parts and it was great exploring San Andreas. Now revisiting this game after GTA V you can really see how this was the blueprint for that game and the various locations and routes that survived the transition. I've also physically visited Las Vegas and San Francisco since playing this game originally and it's impressive how the game is able to semi-faithfully recreate these cities, albeit on a much smaller scale obviously.

If you can force your way past the bugs and flaws, you can still find a fun experience here but just make sure you wait until it's on sale, and at a hefty discount too!

Reviewed on Oct 02, 2023
