Of the two new characters, Usagi is by far the better of the two. I found him such a joy to play as, especially as you can 'air-juggle' with him, truly making him feel like a worthy new addition. Conversely, I really struggled to click with Karai. I'm not sure what it was exactly but when going through the main story mode as her, I found it much harder and was dying multiple times, a position I've not been in since my first few playthroughs. That might just be me though and other players might find it the other way round with the new characters. Either way, they do both offer something fresh and new.

The survival mode is fun and adds a huge amount of replay value to the game. It does take a lot of trial and error to keep slogging as one character, dying and starting again so that you can level-up that character and use your new abilities to get a bit further along. Unfortunately I've not found it as addictive as the survival mode in similar games (Streets of Rage 4 which I've put so many hours into) but I'll definitely be picking this up and having a quick blast on survival when I want to scratch that itch.

For the relatively low price, this is absolutely worth picking up for fans of the main game even just for curiosity's sake.

EDIT: Ok, I've since played Survival mode online with a bunch of strangers and it was so much fun! Definitely the best way to play this mode and deserves an extra star because of it!

Reviewed on Oct 05, 2023
