Wow! Definitely the best of this remastered trilogy. This takes all the mechanics and style of Yakuza 4 and pushes it further. Once again you play as different characters throughout the game, but now each of them has a very specific side-story/job to do which really sucked me in. I don't want to spoil anything but as this is at the very start of the game, the taxi missions for Kiryu were a lot of fun!

There's a lot of game here to sink your teeth into if you so wish. Other than the specific side-stories, I only dabbled with the regular side-quests a little bit. The ones that I did were your standard Yakuza affair and fans of the series will know exactly what they're getting into but they are still fun nonetheless.

My main issues was that part 4, and to an extent part 3, felt tacked on and mostly irrelevant to the rest of the story. I had a good time with them, but it felt quite shoehorned into the overall plot.

If you've played a Yakuza game before, this will be right up your street. Familiar enough to get into but there's enough new things to keep you on your toes. Definitely not a series entry point but still a really strong episode in the Yakuza saga.

Reviewed on Dec 01, 2023
