After the opening segment the game kind of felt stale for a little while but once it picked back up again it was hard to stop playing. By the end of the game I'd had the best time.

The biggest flaw is that there's no fast travel. A lot of the game asks you to go from one end of a level to the other (multiple routes open up as you progress) and once you've achieved your objective there, you then have to retrace your steps all the way back to your ship. To make things worse, you have to sometimes revisit the planet you're on and do it all over again. As you gain new abilities and unlock skills, it makes traversal much more bearable and you get used to the lack of fast travel, but still, it would have been a nice feature.

The combat got a bit tricky for me on some of the harder boss fights and with certain enemies. I believe it's similar to the Soulsbourne type of games which are really not my thing at all but at least this was more forgiving. Plus unlocking some of the force powers was very satisfying.

I can't say much about the story without spoiling anything but what I will say is that if you're feeling Star Wars Fatigue like I am, then this is the cure.

I clocked in around 19 hours in total which just the right length to keep me interested and I'll definitely check out the sequel when I get a chance.

Reviewed on Dec 19, 2023
