Played as part of Switch Online Collection.

I never owned an N64 back in the day as I was Sega through and through, but I did play this occasionally at friends houses where they would butcher me in multiplayer. So I'm really good at dying here.

It's not aged great and the controls take a lot of adjusting to after years dual analogue shooters, but if you persevere it's still a fun game, especially if you're a fan of the film.

I played on Secret Agent and there's a bit of a difficulty spike from around the 5th level onwards and games from back then didn't really hold your hand as much as they do now so a lot of trial and error of figuring out manoeuvres is the key to victory.

I haven't had chance to play multiplayer on this version yet but no doubt next time I see my friends they'll still put me in my place.

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2023
