What a huge missed opportunity this game is.

The story is quite a nice "Marvel" affair. The opening sequence and the last 30/60 minutes are a lot of fun but everything in between is a bit of a chore. Manually walking around the main hub and navigating to your next mission felt like a slog when I'd have rather had this resolved with a cutscene instead.

The missions themselves are too repetitive as is the combat. Go here, defeat them, smash that, repeat. You can't help but feel that if this was handled more like an Uncharted or Tomb Raider it would have flowed much better. Instead you're bombarded with collecting "gear" and upgrading it with "resources" when in reality, it doesn't affect all that much.

I haven't played the online multiplayer aspect of this because frankly, I couldn't be bothered once I was done with the story. It's such a shame because there is an all-star cast of voice actors here and they put in fantastic performances. It's just not enough to save the game.

Glad I picked it up for a tenner.

Reviewed on Apr 07, 2023
