I have so much to say about this game, but I think I'll summarize my thoughts here & I'll make sure to keep spoilers out of it. Here goes;

This game is absolutely phenomenal. In regards to the easier things, the gameplay is really easy to get behind and get used to, and I didn't have much trouble, if any, during the game. Sometimes it was hard to know where I was supposed to go, and it's easy to get lost on the world map in the early parts of the game, but I think those things are easy to get around, especially once you get used to it. Fights were fun, a mix of old-style rpg fighting & free style, which I really enjoyed.

In regards to story... I don't know what I'm supposed to say or how I'm supposed to say it. I absolutely loved the characters, and I don't think any of them felt static in any regard. Every party member (and even the antagonists!) had separate character arcs and, though some of them were short and could have been explored more, felt satisfying and I really enjoyed getting to know each and every one of them.

...yes, this does include Luke. At the beginning of the game he is horrible, snotty, and a Grade-A Asshole, in all honesty, but I still found myself loving that part of him. He was earnest and kind in unexpected ways, and he was someone I could relate to even at his worst. Emphasis on "worst," because he gets better. So much better. If you stopped playing because you couldn't stand Luke... trust me when I say he is one of my favorite characters in any video game ever. I cannot explain how much him and his character arc means to me.

The plot itself feels as though it goes a little quick at some places, but I definitely loved it all the same. It felt like I could never put it down— I just wanted to see what happened next at every single turn. The symbolism and the themes are just so.... they're so good. I love this game a lot, and I can't recommend it enough.

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2022
