It looks good. Animations are good. Battle system is ok, very simple and easy.

My biggest gripe is the fade to black transitions. They are everywhere. Before the beginning of any cutscene, change of characters, walking through a door. It's used everywhere when possible to avoid actually showing an animation.
Second gripe is the backtracking. Feels like a lot of time is being wasted backtracking, especially in the first area you visit(which is also the largest, making you think the game is bigger than it actually is).

I think I would have enjoyed this more if it did either a fully original story, or fully committed to retelling the anime story. It tries to do both, but does neither very well.

I can only recommend it to one piece fans and even then, it's hard to recommend this game. It's most of the time boring with some good bits here and there.

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2023
