While id Software's Doom is lauded as one of the most influential games ever made, I think it is important to recognize the fact that the Doom franchise may not have had the success it did if not for the developments made in creating this game. Now, the reason I rank this game the way I do is that it definitely does show its age and primitiveness, especially when compared to Doom which came out not even two years later. The game definitely feels like a proof of concept in retrospect. Combat can be very frantic depending on the enemy types you are encountering, where reaction time is crucial. Some of the enemy types can feel very cheap due to the fact that you are given little to no reaction time. The weapons are very limited, but they did not really need to be too fleshed out to begin with. The level design is probably my biggest issue with the game, given that most of the time they are claustrophobic mazes with enemies sprinkled in. The game feels very "arcade-y" as a result, which is not a bad thing by any means, but just not something I prefer after having seen the possibilities of more modern games. Collectibles are as simple as pieces of gold hidden around the map; secret rooms are accessed through rather difficult to find walls that can be pushed inwards, hiding health pickups, ammunition, and gold. The expansion to Wolfenstein 3D included is Spear of Destiny which really just provides more of the same things that you see in the original episodes. Another thing I did not like about this game was the odd control scheme baked into the software you receive through Steam, which led me to playing the game through a mod called "Wolf3D." Even though I think there are better alternatives out there in the modern day, it is only fair to acknowledge the importance of this game in the context of the history of first person shooter video games.

Reviewed on May 19, 2024
