"michel ultimate wife guy" - a friend

The big flaw in Fata Morgana is that it is unfortunately waaaaay longer than it needs to be—you could probably trim ten hours and leave the story intact. The only other flaw is that the story, while mysterious at first, by the end leaves nothing to suggestion: everything is explained (both figuratively and at times literally) to death.

Those caveats aside, this is a real banger of a VN that made me cry :'( Without giving anything away, the story handles its subject matter with such empathy and sensitivity that it makes other stories with similar plots look shoddy af. I'm not super well-versed in VNs and their tropes, but I did play the first Danganronpa forever ago, and it almost feels at times like the FM creators are casting mocking "behold fools, now THIS is how it's done" glances over their shoulders at their pathetic sadsack colleagues in the VN industry—except they also seem way too nice and thoughtful to be doing that lol.

In short, a killer love story, a heck of a soundtrack, and a metric ton of mfin words lmaoooo

Reviewed on Jul 10, 2022
