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This game is super weird to rate for me. Because on one hand I finished all endings of this game and "Song of The Ancients" and "The Wretched Automatons" are two of my favorite songs in any video game ever. But on the other hand, this game HIGH KEY scares me. This world is actually so desolate and even the thought of this shit being remotely real shakes me to my nerves. The shades are genuinely scary, I remember going through the boat for the first time actually frightened. Emil's mansion for the first time is even scarier.

The character's are a huge delight especially Mr. Weiss and Kaine, its very enjoyable to watch them interact. The gameplay is a bit straight forward, still fun just nothing crazy. Story is very solid, having huge highs of Kaine being frozen and the fight with Devola and Poppola. So while I like this game a fuck ton, it's honestly scary to think about.