Went with low expectations but it actually surprised me. Its a pretty solid action rpg that clearly intends being kind of a playable anime series.

Gameplay is fun, its built around using and combining different kinds of powers to deal with enemies. At first you only have access to your own ability (which is basically throwing things with psychokinesis) but once the game gets going you get 4 abilities to play around with. I like how your character itself is never too overpowered that you can defeat enemies alone without using anything, so you always have to consider what to use in each encounter.

The game as expected focuses a lot on the plot, which is serviceable but nothing special, anyone who has watched more than 10 anime in their lives can tell what the major story beats are going to be. The characters themselves are pretty solid though, and although they all pretty much familiar archetypes they work, you may consider them kind of bland which I would agree but I also found nice to have a cast where I outright didn't hate anyone or found them annoying.

Besides combat between each mission you have rest periods in your hideout where you can access social-link like events to get to know the characters better, which is cool and they get unlocked as the story progresses. It also contains one of my favorite aspects of the game which is giving gifts to your squad mates and seeing them using them during their free time, its one of those aspects that made me realize that the game was actually made with care.

On terms of graphics is also pretty nice looking overall, it nails the anime feel. The animated cutscenes look really good too, meanwhile the non-animated story segments may feel weird at first but I got used pretty quickly even if I ultimately would have preferred more traditional sprites, but I get that they still wanted to give them an animated feel.

Now my main complains mostly have to do with the dungeons, specially the ones towards the endgame. They simply become too long for what they are, none of them are particularly visually interesting, the enemy encounters repeat themselves too much (game would have benefitted greatly from more enemy variety) and they simply don't offer much besides gauntlet of enemies to defeat, there isn't even a few puzzles to change things a bit.
The camera can also become your enemy during fights that get too busy, there were quite a few times where the game didn't want to lock on where I wanted, or got hit by thigns that I couldn't even see.

Overall I still can recommend it to anyone who finds an anime style action rpg, at the very least I don't regret the 30ish hours I spent with it.

Reviewed on Oct 05, 2022
