Limp, devoid of swag, frictionless. A Japanese player might be forgiven for liking it out of comforting familiarity, but anyone in the West who claims to is motivated by boyish contrarianism or, worse, an admiration for Tim Rogers.

Reviewed on Feb 18, 2023


1 year ago

who the hell is tim rogers
telling me this is akin to telling me that tim rogers does not, in fact, eat dog food because he prefers the taste of raw sewage. the day I take seriously the opinions of dragon quest fans is the day my fifteen beautiful concubines have been sworn to take my life

1 year ago

I think "limp, devoid of swag", and "frictionless", are fair if not apt descriptions of DQiii, but don't actually serve as criticism or are indicative of the game's failures--unless the quiet part is that games are only good if they are stiff, swaggy, and abrasive.
discovering that someone could see this game for what it is and yet be so deadened to life that they might choose to spend time in its company sent me into a melancholy from which my concubines could only rouse me by journeying into the palace catacombs, finding the ps3 and coaxing me into playing final fantasy xiii-2