A Kappa's Trail is the sort of game that will be forgotten in time. And that's really unfortunate, because there's a lot here to love.

It's one of the few games I can think of where the touchscreen is so essential to the controls and gameplay that it would be hard to replicate on different hardware. The levels are all unique and introduce new ideas or iterations on ideas, the mechanics are deep enough to stay engaging the whole way through, the music is warm and wonderful, and the art packs so much character into a limited number of assets. There's even a cute story tying everything together.

And on top of all of that, there's a nice amount of collectables packed in if you want to thoroughly explore or go for more challenging routes in the levels to get more coins. The game truly is the complete package.

It's really, really unique, and I think it deserves better than to be completely forgotten as DSiWare games become even more niche than they already were.

(Set to "Played" because I can't remember if I finished it before the DSi --> 3DS transfer wiped my save, so my comments may not be 100% informed wrt the late-game.)

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2022
