Boy, is it ever nice to be gay AND nonbinary AND treated like that’s no big deal!!

Farming starts off incredibly simple compared to something like Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley, but does get slightly more varied as the game progresses.

Easy action RPG elements, slightly more complicated than the farming, but no big challenge. I only died a few times, and never to a story boss.

The way this game explores tragedy reminded me of my favorite parts of Breath of Fire 1+2 and Infinite Undiscovery. The emotions and heart in the main and side quests are powerful, but unsettlingly for such a modern game, nobody breaks down? It is some kind of experience for utterly heart-wrenching circumstances to play out over and over but the people on-screen don't have the good weep they deserve. (There is one instance of particularly sharp emotion that really sold it that time, at least.)

While there is no consistent voice acting or expressions on character models (only their portraits) to bolster the emotional moments, the soundtrack is one of the most poignant I’ve heard in a video game. Some tracks are downright haunting. Could not have asked for better!

Also the food looks unbelievably delicious and the fish look gorgeous. The artist went ham on those. 10/10.

Great, highly-recommended experience overall; no regrets on tolerating “Hellooo little croppieees~” from the fairy over my shoulder on repeat.

Reviewed on Apr 19, 2023


are there gay and nb characters? :o i wasn't sold on the demo but i can't lie that i'm interested in giving it another look if there's good representation

1 year ago

@FourthStrongest some characters are referred to with they/them at times, but it's possibly only canonical that the protagonist is nb (if that character creation option is chosen for Ein). then there are a number of characters that can be romantically interested in the protagonist, no matter Ein's selected body type or gender. the romantic interest can be returned in some cases, and Ein can be in a non-cishet partnership.

so, as much as I'd like it to have been the case, there aren't any side quests involving non-cishet partnerships among NPCs. only the protagonist Makes It Gay.
gotcha. well thank you for going into it in such detail!