I completed Charade Maniacs in the span of two weeks and 40-45 hours. A fast-paced, long VN with high production value and an engaging set-up, it was difficult to put down and even more difficult to stop thinking about. The death-game-adjacent mystery is well established and worth pursuing by yourself, avoiding recommended route orders. It drops enough hints along the way to craft your own realistic and off-the-wall theories, adding even more fun if you can bounce those thoughts off someone else playing at the same time you are.

As an otome game, there is romance, and it is a significant part of this game — for better or worse. In a word, the romance is trashy. There are unwanted advances, potential age gaps of 5+ years with the 17-year-old main character, and more hidden away behind spoiler territory. It is not even close to sexually explicit, but you won’t find any sweet, low-stakes young love here. I hope this is what you’ve come here for (or at least what you can tolerate)!

There are a good variety of detailed backgrounds and pretty character portraits, but the CGs leave a little to be desired. They often focus on zoom-ins of the route character and MC as opposed to illustrating complex scenes. They demonstrate nice emotions outside the stiffness of a portrait, at least. The voice acting is top-notch and characterizes each individual well (although the MC is not voiced), and the music is fun and varied, accentuating sweeter scenes and adding tension to darker ones.

The UI is great and stylish, easy to follow and easy to read while adding personality to the game itself. I think the flowchart could be easier to understand, view, and navigate, but it is a relatively low-relevance feature. It’s not the biggest mystery in the game when you do want to use it.

There are some noticeable typos and similar mistakes in the localization, but largely it’s polished and flows well.

And, last but not least, the game features a main-cast nonbinary character consistently referred to with they/them pronouns. The whole trashy thing continues to apply on this romance route as much as the others, but the representation is fun.

So, Charade Maniacs is a good, engaging game I’d recommend to fans of darker otome games and mystery/death game fans who can accept some questionable romance. It’s not the best story and might leave a bad taste in your mouth at times, but it was undoubtedly a cool experience for me.

Reviewed on Jul 11, 2023
