revisiting this
spent a whole 4 minutes and 24 seconds listening to will play the organ

i dethroned a transphobe so the lesbian deer-things could take over this is the best game of all time

interesting idea and fun needle but not much more going for it
had to pick this up as im a aiwana nerd and huge into roguelike/lites
dont really care about the itens and upgrades and i hate that the bosses have iframes
but overall its a fun game with good room design and i really like picking up the lil references to other fangames
still have to try the online and magic tower modes

only way i can actually have fun playing minecraft

janky but fun and still very special to me
rly like how it freezes everytime a song loops

this and a 3 hour old skool hardcore mix is everything a girl needs


still to this day one of my favorite games ever
boss design is rly cool and i love the adaptive music stuff
schmid does an awesome job at both music and sound design in this, i fucking love the tunes so much (specially stage 4's and its boss. which never got any oficial release :{ )