My personal 2023 game of the year. Resident Evil games are my favorite shooting action 3d games. This one is very close to being mechanically perfect for me. I've come to expect that from Capcom. I love this game. Recently I played Mercenaries. I was afraid to play it because last third person mainline mercs were back in 2012! But now I did and I was not disappointed: My heart is pounding, the music is amazing and the gameplay is like gorging my favorite meal with my favorite desert and drink. It's just pure bliss. I will probably be playing same character on one map just like I always do, that's just how I am.

This game has usual RE sexy aesthetic with BDSM vibes. Incredible presentation, gorgeous detailed graphics, colors, lights and shadows. Jaw-dropping smooth animation from probably the best gameplay animators in the whole world right now. And it's got newly reinvened and now calcified style. It's just incredibly impressive to me that Capcom managed to upgrade and reinvent the style that their games had back in PS2 era. New style feels more grown up and matured but not changed in it's core. It's smooth.

Gameplay has evolved too. It would have been so easy to keep the old gameplay with slight alterations. But Capcom went above and beyond. Even VR mode is rebalanced for highly precise VR aiming.
I could keep talking and I want to, but I got stuff to do.

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2024
