Is Doom 64 truly 'the real Doom 3'? I mean, maybe. It's a different Doom, but still Doom as far as I'm concerned.

The map designs and frequency of key/switch based objectives therein make me think of Metroid progression. These levels are slower, with little to no flexibility with which to take varying routes through. They don't feel as much like they invite speedrunning like the DOS classics.

Combat is still unmistakably Doom, if way too reliant this time on Hell Knights. Variety is the spice of life in Doom combat scenarios, and this game would've done well to remember that more often. I don't mourn for the loss of the Chaingunner or Arch-vile though lmao. Lost Souls were remarkably annoying here, somehow even more so than in either of the originals (perhaps to make up for the enemy types that didn't make the cut.)

I suppose the history of arguing whether or not Doom was intended to evoke fright and horror alongside a heavy metal power fantasy is rich enough that you can come to your own conclusions regarding the aesthetic change for this game. You might vibe with it, you might not. If you'd prefer a more consistent experience to the original forms of the first two games, 'Doom 64 For Doom II' is a mod that may be worth looking into.

What remains unique to this game though is secret levels serving real function beyond novelty. Eternal's Slayer Gates and the Unmaykr as the reward for their completion aren't subtle about being inspired by this game--and frankly don't live up to the legend either. The original Unmaker, especially when buffed by Demon Keys, is ridiculous, and makes a complete joke out of the final boss when all 3 keys are gathered. (The Demon Keys themselves also deactivate the demon spawners in the arena btw, isolating the boss for its absolute destruction even further. It's absurd.)

If nothing else, Doom 64 is definitely interesting and different, and worth giving a go for that reason alone. And who knows, maybe you'll even come away thinking of it as the real Doom 3. I'd say it earns it, all things considered.

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2024
