"I'm gonna play Dread next!" I say as my hands uncontrollably click the NSO Gameboy icon and boot up Metroid II.

To be fair, I've also been trying to play a lot of the NSO Gameboy titles since I don't have much experience with them and want to play them all. So Metroid II fit in with that goal. You know the ol "kill two birds with one Gameboy NSO app" saying? My grandfather loved that one.

Anyways, what can I say other than I was pleasantly surprised with how not bad this was! I was expecting an awkward gameboy take on the already rough NES Metroid, but this is LEAGUES better than that! Like I legitimately had fun getting all powered up and going around hunting the Metroids. Definitely a strange vibe that you're basically killing off an entire species (Girlie pop Samus in her genocide era!!!) but I knew about that before playing so whatever. The ending is fantastic too with the baby Metroid, I've heard that it comes back but I'm excited to see how it plays out for myself!

So yeah. It's still a bit clunky, and it's certainly a Gameboy game with Gameboy visuals, but nonetheless I had lots of fun with it. Probably my favorite Gameboy game I've played to be honest.

Played on NSO Gameboy

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2024


2 days ago

I can’t imagine how amazing you’re gonna think Super Metroid is after playing Metroid II
@itstPitt I can't wait! So many people say it's their favorite, I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up being mine too. I've seen my brother play it and the spritework looks SO good.

1 day ago

Man, if you actually don't know how the story goes from here, you're in for a real treat! Definitely chronologically was the way to go if it hasn't been spoiled for you.