47 reviews liked by angelmclain_

this was my favorite barbie game growing up so i'm giving it five stars.

nothing is more scary then being inside someone else's house(i'm very introverted)

As a bigtime fangirl of Ned, George, and Bess, I always loveddd this game. Just missing the Hardy Boys tbh.

Alexei might be one of the series' most compelling characters of all time?? And the other suspects were pretty well fleshed-out too. The puzzles and stuff weren't THAT exciting, but I love a story with stakes and suspects who are MEAN.

My biggest complaint is that, if you're playing as Bess and want to switch over to Ned, you can't just call him. You have to FIRST call Nancy. pls. Also I always hated that you got to see Bess and George in person, but never Ned >:(

this is definitely the weakest out of the string of good games i mentioned in my last review, but i still love it for the nostalgia and atmosphere alone. i'm not a huge fan of the puzzles however, and the characters are sort of boring.

ONE OF MY FAVORITES. Noticeable improvement in animation, great atmosphere, fun puzzles. Also Henry is hot

the atmosphere is great even though the haunting noises can be a shock to the eardrums. overall a great pick if you wanna play a nostalgic game in a limited amount of time.

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ALL TIME FAVORITE. I could change my mind as I get further in the series, but this one's always been at the top of my list.

I adored the Agatha Christie energy, the Hardy Boys as PHYSICALLY PRESENT characters, the usual George and Bess antics ("...adobe beige") and the creepy dolls. The puzzles were fun, albeit pretty easy (though maybe that's because I played this a thousand times as a child.) The suspects were actually pretty interesting, too? This is a good look on the series and I am So On Board with it, pun intended.

I’m incapable of remaining unbiased. It’s the first Nancy game I played a decade ago and it gives me so much joy. The world and writing and all it’s charm and wit is so endlessly appealing to me. I love these games so much and the hard work this company did to create such great investing games fills my heart with fondness. Beyond that, it’s also just such a FUN anniversary idea that works perfectly for fans old and new. It’s a wonder. A+

Nancy just can't catch a break, every time she goes anywhere ever there's another goddamn haunting