I mean, I'm sorry. This isn't a score of quality as much as it is a score of taste, I just didn't really get into this. Maybe there's a lot more depth to be found if I dug harder, but from where I stand I just didn't enjoy this very much. The core loop of the game just wasn't engaging to me at all. I really love the style and something about the simplicity feels very nostalgic, but that doesn't overpower just not loving the game itself.

Reviewed on Jan 27, 2022

1 Comment

Well, it's competitive, just like a game of Pong and a game of Street Fighter II at the same time. Since you don't put in coins it's just that much satisfaction to beat the computer, but, speaking for the original, it works best against a buddy on the couch or in online tournament. Sadly there's not much of a community atm. I know, that's a very specific type of play, not for everybody. But it is worth checking out.