When I found out the TR reboot would be attempting to mix 'Uncharted' style set pieces with open world, crafting elements in 2013, I was skeptical. I was then surprised how much I enjoyed the first of this reboot trilogy. This entry though feels like the strains of those goals are tearing.

The world isn't particularly interesting, the combat isn't particularly fun, and while a couple of the set pieces are enjoyable, they're mostly forgettable. Lastly, and most sadly, the thing the PS1 TR made its focus (Tomb puzzles) are low in quality.

In short, this is the game I feared was being made back in 2013, which is a sour note to end this trilogy. Rise of the Tomb Raider is probably the best of the three and is the one you'll want to play if you're only playing one.

Reviewed on Nov 26, 2022
