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I liked this one a lot more than the base game, actually! I think the inclusion of more hacking skills was really helpful and much more convenient than in the base game. In a way it got rid of the things that would make me want to explode if I were playing a Pokemon game. Unfortunately very grindy if you want to get the digimon you want to a high enough level to not get totally decimated. Maybe I'm just bad at video games.

From a story standpoint, I really enjoyed my playthrough of it! Really great character moments and I genuinely think whoever wrote the dialogue is a comedic genius. I love Jimmy Ken more than I thought I would. Treatment of female characters is unfortunately not great yet again, common cyber sleuth L, but I think it at least got a little bit better?? Also, the sequence of Erika's memory server is genuinely beautiful and heartbreaking. You can so clearly see her mindset and mental state, as well as how she feels about her family situation, and it made me just. Extremely sad playing. She is like a little sister to me. Overall stronger than the base game but still comes with some issues writing-wise. I love "my boyfriend and found family turned evil: The Game"