One of the most sonically pleasing games of the early part of the decade, with crunching actions atop bass vibrations. It's also one of the fastest games of this era. Gaining momentum in this game feels like speeding in a residential area: probability means it's going to go bad, but sometimes you just gotta floor it.

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2023


2 months ago

williams had the best sound of the era imo. many of their early solid state pinball machines re-use a few sounds from their video games, and it makes for a very hypnotic experience as you go along. a bassy drone between the sounds that play while scoring is much more engrossing compared to a lot of the tables from the dot matrix era onward, especially the licensed ones that borrow music from whatever media it's based on. the one i've been trying to learn lately, sorcerer, taunts the player in a similar way to sinistarr. something's gotta be in lake michigan.

2 months ago

had to look up footage of sorcerer (fukin awesome), and between that table and the williams cabinets of the era, and seeing how much further we've gone down this aesthetic path to end up with like devil daggers & hyper demon, I get how someone who went from kick the can and dodgeball to seeing teenagers slamming on these machines would think satan is real and electric